Gigi Pires

Giovanna Pires, known as Gigi, became Miss at the age of 22 in Brazil, where she was elected the only woman capable of speaking about soccer for Palmeiras on Brazilian TV.
Miss CentenĂ¡rio do Palmeiras
Now, Gigi is based in Perth - WA. She specialized in Digital Marketing and became the first international trainer for Social Media College in Perth, at Keystone College - KCBT.


Digital Influencer

With over 45k followers on Instagram, Gigi has worked with brands like Sudio, Chilli Beans, Goli Gummy, JD Sports and Canadian Club.

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Digital Creator

Content Creator

As a natural communicator, Gigi aims to understand the need of people. She created events related to volunteering in Australia, which Australian Institutions like ECU sponsored. A Latin Dance competition which gave the first prize of AUD 1000 for international students, supporting themselves while Australia was suffering from pos COVID. Australian Educational Institutions sponsored her idea, and she turned into number one in the Latino Community.

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